Hello everyone!
I have completed another week of school. I have counted 181 days of school so minus 10 days means I have only 171 days left.
School went well this week. My English classes are becoming more of a joke every time I have it. This week we had a competition and well my group won so our prize was our choice; being that the class can watch FRIENDS on Monday along with some sweets. In another class we have been talking about Gothic fiction so the teacher had us watch the music video "Thriller" by Michael Jackson and then describe it. Then we had to highlight the words she gave us that were in the song. It's fun though because I can relax and breathe a bit in those classes.
My French classes have been interesting but I think I'm doing not so bad. I wish I could just pick up the language and accent like nothing but nothing anybody truly wants in life is given out easily.
My friends here are so awesome. Every day is more memories, jokes and laughs that I will never forget. Take today for example. I was in Bernay with them seeing some museums (one was of paintings and sculptures; it was breathtaking, and another on chairs and furniture from historic moments) and then later we went to their house. I was taking about my luggage and I said "vaiselle" which means dishes instead of "valise" which is the correct word. That had them laughing for a while!
I have also found out my second host family. I have not met them but I know their names and that all their children are grown up and working so I will be an only child when I go there after Christmas.
That's it for now I think.
A bientôt!