Salut tout le monde!
So wow, already a week has gone by like that since I've got back from my Bus Trip.
This pass week I mostly spent it on my final presentation to my Rotary club for well, it was tonight. I didn't think it would take so long but when you have to look at.. oh I believe I have close to 2000 photos, figure out which ones to pick, fit it onto a page and make sure it's not too long so that they don't get bored during my presentation.. well it takes a while. I also had a Rotary weekend this pass week; we had a conference the Saturday at a sweet little town called Pont-Audemer because they were changing district gouvernors, then we slept over at another town called Vernon because the Sunday we were treated to a day trip to Paris! We left quite early in the morning, we took the metro to another train station to drop off our luggage, then we went to this famous cemetary, (it has like Chopin's grave in it for example.. I don't like cemetaries so I went in for about 10 minutes and then sat outside with some other people who felt the same as I did until the rest were done looking), toured around Paris by foot, then we went to Montemarte to have lunch at a cool restaurant called the Indiana and then we had some free time to tour around Montemarte.
For everyone who doesn't know Montemarte, it is a sector in Paris of beauty. First off there is also the Sacre-Coeur; a giant cathedral that I have seen before at night (when it was all light up) and during the day is is just as breathtaking. Then when you walk up farther (oh yeah, Montemarte is way on top of a hill, so you have to walk hundreds of steps to get up there) there is a square of painters who display there work (and will do portraits) and lots of little boutiques and restaurants. I have already been there twice so with some friends we went to the Moulin-Rouge area and looked around there.
After, we returned to the train station and said our final goodbyes; it was the last time we would see each other because everyone will be slowly leaving after that weekend, but I ended up staying another four hours with one of my best friends in my district. We had free metro passes for the day so we just went all over Paris and looked around. Then we went back to the train station so I could head back to my town.
Tonight I had my Rotary presentation; Geez I was so nervous! Everyone said I did alright though. I got a Normandy card and a cookbook full of Normandy recipes as a gift, it was very sweet. On the 1st of July there will be another meeting (it'll be the day my club changes presidents) and they said they'd do a lil' something for me which is nice.
Well, I'm off to bed.
This year I have been given the chance to go to France on an exchange through my local Rotary. I have already begun my journey in France to experience their culture for a year. This blog is all about my exchange, from the preparations before I left, to what is happening now on my exchange, to after when I get home. I hope you enjoy reading my experience on this once of a lifetime experience.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Thursday, June 14, 2012
My Bus Trip
Salut tout le monde!
Last night I got back after spending 12 days in Europe. I'll give you a brief description on how amazing it is, but I don't think I will be able to tell you all in words of how incredible this trip actually was.

And then after we headed to Reims for the evening. We ate at the hotel and then after we walked to the church and sat in front of it for a coupld hours to talk. We returned after to the hotel and that was the end of Day 1.

Day 8 - We woke up and took a boat to one of Italy's most known cities. Yes, we went to Venise. The city of beauty. This city took my breath away, I will do everything in my power to go back to it and walk it's streets again. We arrived just before lunch, had a guided tour for an hour, and then my friends and I bought 2 euro pizza in one of the hidden streets of Venise. I could tell you this, it was THE BEST 2 euro pizza I have ever had in my life. We all met up after so we could be divided into groups of 6 and take a ride in a canal boat for thirty minutes. I felt so rich haha! After, we had free time in which we just explored Venise. At one point we found this bookshop where there was just rooms and rooms ful of unorganized books. Then we would go into shops where there was venetian masks professionally done (costing about 200 euros or more!) Out of the entire Bus Trip, it was my favourite city. It was so hard to leave it at the end of the day. We went back to Lido Di Jesolo to sleep at the same hotel for the night.
Day 10 - We left to head back to my country; France. After taking the tunnel through Mont Blanc, we arrived at Chamonix. When we arrived, my brother (who is also taking an exchange with the same organisation as I am) was there to meet me. We had lunch together at Subway (the first time I've had Subway since I've left Canada) and then he waited for me as I took a little train up the mountain (about 1903 km) to see "la mer de glace' (the frozen river). After, I took the train down and met up with my brother again to explore the cute little village. We slept at Chamonix that night.
Day 11 - We left early in the morning for Geneva, Switzerland. We arrived before lunch and had a guided tour in the ONU. Our tour guide was really intelligent and gave lots of interesting information that a lot of us didn't know about. After the tour, we had time to eat (I had another falafel) and then we left towards Dijon to sleep there for the evening.
And that is the end of my bus trip. In about 21 days, I will be taking the plane back to Canada. I'll write a new post soon (if I don't get to busy!)
Bisous <3
Bisous <3